Sunday, May 26, 2013

Countdown - 7 Days

It is one week before I fly to Turkey and I have begun my preparations.

I have determined to learn one word a day (I figure if I set my sights low I have a chance at meeting if not exceeding them!)

word #1 - Evet: eh-vet (Yes)

Today is also brought to you by Dukoral, the miracle drug against Travellers' Diarrhea and Cholera!  I have enjoyed previous dips in the Dukoral well, so today I need ony take a booster.  The main thing was remembering to take it out of the refrigerator, after carrying it around with me and putting it in other refrigerators before remembering to take it out, etc. etc.

I haven't needed any other traveller-specific medications, having updated my tetanus shot and being still covered for diphtheria, hepetitis A and B, and anything else I might want to be covered against.  Rbvies is not uncommon in Turkey but I am not going to be going too far off the beaten track so chancing it on this expensive and involved series of injections. 

Turkey is a rare beast, sitting on the cusp of both Europe and the Middle East.  So it's easy to either get blase or go overboard on health preparations depending on which influence you feel most. 

I just go into full protection mode: eat only fresh things that can be peeled, drink water that is bottled and do not have drinks with ice as the water source is dubious, and eat cooked things that are cooked thoroughly and don't sit around too long (street food is a surprisingly healthy option generally as the food turn-over is high, meaning it doesn't sit out raw or cooked too long, and you can see it cooked in front of you).  Wear sunscreen, bug spray with DEET and a hat.  That's about it. 

I have a spare pair of glasses and my prescription with me, being blind as the proverbial without them.  I also have any medication or vitamins in their original packages, with doctor's details on them if relevant. And I have travel insurance.  I'm too superstitous not to!

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